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Warren Piece


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It seems fitting that as we submit this, our twelfth issue, an even dozen, that we take a moment to reflect at what we have done this past year and a half. Originally planned as a bimonthly magazine, it soon became obvious that if Global Bass was going to cover the ground we needed to cover, we had best do it a bit faster. 

There were two ways to do that of course...we could make our bimonthly issue even larger or move the magazine to a monthly production. Now as I look back, I am glad we moved to the monthly format, although I find it leaves no time for reflection and very little time for adaptation and growth. In fact, with a staff consisting completely of volunteers, it leaves little else but a fast and furious finish of one issue of the magazine only to begin the next right away. That makes it fun but it leaves no resources from which to grow if we don't take some time to address some issues we feel are important. 

As I have mentioned numerous times, with a hit rate of over 220,000 a month, often more, we are reaching a lot of people. I've also stated ad nauseum, t
hese are the same people that buy CD's, basses, amps and strings, the whole gamut. It stands to reason therefore that Global Bass is an excellent way for those manufacturers to reach the people who buy their products. That in many ways is the core of the reason Marty and I have decided to take a short 'break' with GB. The time is needed to contact these businesses, develop relationships and advertising revenue. Our wonderful volunteer writers deserve that. 

So with that in mind, there will be no issue of Global Bass for the month of September. The next issue will be on line October 1st. Already the lineup for that issue is starting to pile up, looking like it may be the biggest and best issue yet. But right at this moment, right now, Marty Straub & I feel that with most of our writers away on vacation, we might as well take the opportunity to retool the magazine. 

It is important to reiterate however, as mentioned in the last Warren Piece, this is not one of those duplicitous ploys where the business puts up a 'Closed for Renovation' sign, only to buy some time while they get out of town.


We'll be here on October 1st, depend on it.


Warren Murchie

Global Bass Magazine

August 1st, 2001



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